onsdag 12. november 2014

Apricot Sour

Apricot Sour

5 cl Bols Apricot Brandy Liqueur
Saft fra en halv lime
Knust is.
Similar Drinks
Apricot Sour Ingredients:
Picture of Apricot Sour. The Apricot Sour is made from Apricot Brandy, sugar and fresh lemon juice, and served in a chilled cocktail glass.
2 oz Apricot Brandy
1 oz Lemon Juice (freshly squeezed)
1/2 tsp Sugar / Bar Sugar
Garnish: Lemon Slice
Glass: Cocktail Glass

Apricot Sour Instructions:

Shake all ingredients with ice.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Garnish with a lemon slice.
The Apricot Sour is made from Apricot Brandy,
sugar and fresh lemon juice, and served in a chilled cocktail glass.

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