fredag 14. november 2014



2 deler tequila
fersk appelsinjuice (etter smak)
1 dash sukker sirup
1 appelsin skive
Rør ingrediensene sammen. Server "on the rocks" i et Old Fashionedglass eller collinsglass. Pynt med appelsin skive.

Picture of Tequila Sunrise. The Tequila Sunrise drink is made from tequila, orange juice and grenadine, and served in a highball glass.
Tequila Sunrise Ingredients:

2 oz Tequila (Silver)
1 dash Grenadine
Orange Juice
Garnish: Orange Slice
Glass: Highball Glass

Tequila Sunrise Instructions:

Fill a highball glass with ice.
Add the grenadine, tequila and fill with orange juice.
Garnish with a slice of orange.
The Tequila Sunrise drink is made from tequila, orange juice and grenadine, and served in a highball glass.

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