lørdag 15. november 2014

Affinity - 2

Affinity - 2

4cl scotch whisky
2cl søt vermouth
3 stenk Angostura Bitter
Rør whisky og vermouth med mye is. Stenk Angostura Bitter i et godt avkjølt cocktailglass. Sil drinken i glasset

Le Pere-Bis Ingredients:

Picture of Le Pere-Bis. The Le Pere-Bis drink is made from scotch, St-Germain elderflower liqueur, honey and hot tea, and served in an Irish coffee glass.1 oz Scotch
1/2 oz Elderflower Liqueur (St Germain)
1 tsp Honey
Tea (hot, chamomile)
Garnish: Lemon Wedge
Glass: Irish Coffee

Le Pere-Bis Instructions:

Add the scotch, honey and St-Germain elderflower liqueur to an Irish coffee glass.
Fill with hot chamomile tea.
Garnish with a lemon wedge studded with cloves.
The Le Pere-Bis drink is made from scotch, St-Germain elderflower liqueur, honey and hot tea, and served in an Irish coffee glass.

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