torsdag 13. november 2014

Amsterdam Coffee

Amsterdam Coffee

2 eller 4 cl. Bols Cream
Fyll opp med varm kaffe.
Stivpisket fløte øverst.

Picture of Kahlua Hot Coffee. The Kahlua Hot Coffee drink is made from Kahlua coffee liqueur and hot coffee, and served in an Irish coffee glass.
Similar Drinks
Kahlua Hot Coffee Ingredients:

2 oz Kahlua Coffee Liqueur
3 oz Coffee (hot)
Glass: Irish Coffee

Kahlua Hot Coffee Instructions:

Add Kahlua to an Irish coffee glass.
Fill with hot coffee.
Add sugar and cream to taste.
The Kahlua Hot Coffee drink is made from Kahlua coffee liqueur and hot coffee, and served in an Irish coffee glass.

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