lørdag 15. november 2014



1 del Bells whisky
2 deler tørr vermouth
saften av en halv sitron
1 tvist med sitronskall
Shake godt med is. Server "on the rocks" i et old fashionedglass og dekorer med sitronskallet.

Picture of Mandarine Whisky. The Mandarine Whisky drink is made from Mandarine Napoleon and scotch, and served in an old-fashioned glass.Mandarine Whisky Ingredients:

2/3 oz Mandarine Napoleon
1-1/3 oz Scotch
Garnish: Mint Sprig
Glass: Old-Fashioned Glass

Mandarine Whisky Instructions:

Fill an old-fashioned glass with ice.
Add the Mandarine Napoleon and Scotch, and stir slightly.
Garnish with a sprig of mint.
The Mandarine Whisky drink is made from Mandarine Napoleon and scotch, and served in an old-fashioned glass.

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