søndag 16. november 2014

Absolut Splash

Absolut Splash

2/3 Absolut
1/3 cherry brandy
Fyll opp med grape tonic
Serveres i longdrinkglass.
Absolut Mandgrape Ingredients:

Picture of Absolut Mandgrape. The Absolut Mandgrape drink is made from orange vodka (aka Absolut Mandrin) and bitter lemon, and served in a highball glass.1-1/3 oz Orange Vodka (Absolut Mandrin)
Bitter Lemon
Garnish: Lemon Slice
Glass: Highball Glass

Absolut Mandgrape Instructions:

Fill a highball glass with ice.
Add the Absolut Mandrin and fill with bitter lemon.
Garnish with a lemon slice.
* If you cannot find any bitter lemon, use tonic water with a squeeze of lemon.
The Absolut Mandgrape drink is made from orange vodka (aka Absolut Mandrin) and bitter lemon, and served in a highball glass.



4 cl tequila
2 cl crème de cassis
1 cl sukkerlake
Hell ingredienser, bortsett fra soda, i en stor drinkpokal med finknust is. Rør godt og fyll på med soda. Garner med appelsinskive på kanten av glasset.
Tequila Sunrise Ingredients:
Picture of Tequila Sunrise. The Tequila Sunrise drink is made from tequila, orange juice and grenadine, and served in a highball glass.
2 oz Tequila (Silver)
1 dash Grenadine
Orange Juice
Garnish: Orange Slice
Glass: Highball Glass

Tequila Sunrise Instructions:

Fill a highball glass with ice.
Add the grenadine, tequila and fill with orange juice.
Garnish with a slice of orange.
The Tequila Sunrise drink is made from tequila, orange juice and grenadine, and served in a highball glass.

A Day on the Beach

A Day on the Beach

1/3 Bols Misty Peach
2/3 Tonic
Peach Tonic Ingredients:
Picture of Peach Tonic. The Peach Tonic drink is made from Sourz Peach, tonic water and lime wedges, and served in a highball glass.
1-1/2 oz Sourz Peach
1/4 Lime (cut into wedges)
Tonic Water
Garnish: Lime Wedge
Glass: Highball Glass

Peach Tonic Instructions:

Add ice to a highball glass, then squeeze the limes over the glass before dropping them in.
Fill with tonic water.
The Peach Tonic drink is made from Sourz Peach, tonic water and lime wedges, and served in a highball glass.

lørdag 15. november 2014



1 del Bells whisky
2 deler tørr vermouth
saften av en halv sitron
1 tvist med sitronskall
Shake godt med is. Server "on the rocks" i et old fashionedglass og dekorer med sitronskallet.

Picture of Mandarine Whisky. The Mandarine Whisky drink is made from Mandarine Napoleon and scotch, and served in an old-fashioned glass.Mandarine Whisky Ingredients:

2/3 oz Mandarine Napoleon
1-1/3 oz Scotch
Garnish: Mint Sprig
Glass: Old-Fashioned Glass

Mandarine Whisky Instructions:

Fill an old-fashioned glass with ice.
Add the Mandarine Napoleon and Scotch, and stir slightly.
Garnish with a sprig of mint.
The Mandarine Whisky drink is made from Mandarine Napoleon and scotch, and served in an old-fashioned glass.



2 deler tørr sherry
1 del søt italiensk vermouth
2 dasher Angostura bitter
Rør godt med is og sil over i et cocktail glas.

Bamboo Cocktail Ingredients:
Picture of Bamboo Cocktail. The Bamboo Cocktail is made from dry sherry, dry vermouth and orange bitters, and served in a chilled cocktail glass.
2 oz Fino Sherry
1/2 oz Dry Vermouth
dash Orange Bitters
Glass: Cocktail Glass

Bamboo Cocktail Instructions:

Shake all ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
The Bamboo Cocktail is made from dry sherry, dry vermouth and orange bitters, and served in a chilled cocktail glass.

Affinity - 1

Affinity - 1

2cl tørr vermouth
2cl søt vermouth
4,5cl scotch
2 dasher med Angostura bitters
Helles over is, røres og siles, i et longdrinkglass, pynt med sitron eller appelsinskall og et cocktailbær.

Champs-Élysées Ingredients:
Picture of Champs-Elysées. The Champs-Élysées drink is made from Cointreau, strawberry liqueur and champagne, and served in a champagne flute.
2/3 oz Cointreau
2/3 oz Strawberry Liqueur
Garnish: Red Maraschino Cherry, Strawberry, Mint Sprig
Glass: Champagne Flute

Champs-Élysées Instructions:

Pour Cointreau and strawberry liqueur into a chilled champagne flute.
Fill with champagne and garnish with a mint sprig, and a maraschino cherry or small strawberry.
The Champs-Élysées drink is made from Cointreau, strawberry liqueur and champagne, and served in a champagne flute.

Affinity - 2

Affinity - 2

4cl scotch whisky
2cl søt vermouth
3 stenk Angostura Bitter
Rør whisky og vermouth med mye is. Stenk Angostura Bitter i et godt avkjølt cocktailglass. Sil drinken i glasset

Le Pere-Bis Ingredients:

Picture of Le Pere-Bis. The Le Pere-Bis drink is made from scotch, St-Germain elderflower liqueur, honey and hot tea, and served in an Irish coffee glass.1 oz Scotch
1/2 oz Elderflower Liqueur (St Germain)
1 tsp Honey
Tea (hot, chamomile)
Garnish: Lemon Wedge
Glass: Irish Coffee

Le Pere-Bis Instructions:

Add the scotch, honey and St-Germain elderflower liqueur to an Irish coffee glass.
Fill with hot chamomile tea.
Garnish with a lemon wedge studded with cloves.
The Le Pere-Bis drink is made from scotch, St-Germain elderflower liqueur, honey and hot tea, and served in an Irish coffee glass.

Absolut Splash

Absolut Splash 2/3 Absolut 1/3 cherry brandy Fyll opp med grape tonic Serveres i longdrinkglass. Absolut Mandgrape I...